A Road Trip

December 3 – I took my Advent Calendar on a road trip – this is not usual. It doesn’t travel well. Icons drop off. I’m afraid of losing my favourite ones. But today was the first Sunday of Advent and I’m a pastor. Specifically, I’m a pastor to children and families. This morning I wanted to nudge my volunteer team toward Christmas, toward Jesus. You already know that Advent is about tensions between then and now and not yet. We’re invited to remember what God has done, to renew our relationship with Jesus and to reach for what’s awaiting us. It’s a big season. And today I realized there’s a then and now and not yet to my calendar too. When I imagined it I expected it to 1) engage the community in which I was living. I wanted it to help me speak about my faith. That never happened because I never got it made before I had to move away. And 2) I expected it to be instructive and engaging for my own kids. Because of autism, that never happened either. But what did happen was all gift to me. This small practice of retelling the great God story, pulled me into that story…my story an extension of that story.

How can I complain
about God wanting to come
and speak just to me?
Their hope and promises
walked me into God’s Presence.

I so often think it’s me chasing God — all my efforts, noble and not so noble pulling an unwilling God near. But my experience teaches me that God pursues me more than I pursue God. I’ve had an ark or two come and rescue me…and a few birds show me the way to safe ground.

PS. I dropped, but did not lose an icons.

Icon: Dove and Rainbow — Noah’s story, my story.

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