Advent 2023 – a journal

December 1 ( written on December 2) … I pulled my Advent calendar out of storage. It should have been up days ago in anticipation…but, well. We had to adjust the hanging because the furniture changed. The icons are still in the bag, not in their pockets. I dug out the creation icons – a sun, a moon and our favourite, the formless void. I put them on in a “catch up” kind of way – habit, duty, obedience leading me — a quick prayer:  Help me begin again, create in me, hover over me Holy Spirit… linger. 

December 2 — still catching up. Pull a book from my shelf: God With Us a compilation of writings and art that is — beautiful. I’m wondering if it can help me walk through Advent with care. Eugene Peterson in the preface reminds me of L’Engle’s poem This is the irrational season/ When love blooms bright and wild/ Had Mary been filled with reason / There’d have been no room for the child…. So I pray Father, Son, Spirit bloom wild and bright in me, body, mind, and heart, Trinity of you to this smaller trinity of me. 

Icon: the apple – the symbol of our stumble, our turning away, our disbelief, our trouble, our struggle, our sin, and our need for Jesus.

One thought on “Advent 2023 – a journal

  1. So pleased to begin receiving 2023 postings of poetry/reflections during Advent, once again. The postings always provide light in the darkness. Thank you for your diligence in sharing such a gift.

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