
Does the world need another blog? Probably not. I’m going to write this one anyway because I think writing is one way I am better at being me. That does not mean that what you will discover here is exceptional, or extraordinary. I hope in fact that you will find plenty of typical and ordinary moments in the stuff of my own life. I hope it somehow connects to the typical and ordinary moments in your own life. What we both do with those moments is what matters.

What I will be unable to avoid writing about will be: the pursuit of God, His pursuit of me, Autism and how it affects both of my two children and the subsequent shaping that my husband and I undergo as we walk the long journey of disability as a family. The Four Parts Hope are the four members of our small family. We have found Hope to be a well equipped wilderness guide able to lead us to simple joys, but also capable to take us through sorrow, loss and weariness that are and will be part of the reality of this journey. I hope it is a record of faithfulness.
I grew up on the Canadian Prairies, lived in Indonesia for five years, have been ‘stay at home’ and ‘working’ mom and have always loved words no matter what I have worked at or in. I read too fast and too much and play with poetry and prose for the joy of it — although I often get distracted by what people think of it or how it might be useful. This blog therefore is dedicated only to the joy of writing and almost certainly won’t be on any www superhighways. If it stimulates some thoughtful conversation or mutual encourage it will be time well spent.

Here’s to the long journey,
Laurel Archer

What influences me?  Good question.

I am a little surprised at how much time I have committed to formal learning, but I’ve found it personally stimulating, a rich soil for this Laurel plant.  My most recent study and training earned an MA in Spiritual Formation from Carey Theological College.  But my field training has been with my family wherever I have been, practicing constancy and commitment, renewing my commitment to transformation. I am an incurable reader of mystery novels.

One thought on “About

  1. This blog is a living record of one soul’s journey. A treasure map.

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