Liturgy – Pass the Peace

Today I had a hard day and it was because Emma, my daughter was struggling. Emma is strong and has always been strong. So, when her world is complicated by illness, or hormonal spikes, or who knows what, she struggles with incredible strength. Sometimes, trying to help, I get in the way. So, it was a hard day.

And then a friend extended a simple courtesy to me when I arrived to work. She just listened, came and sat down, leaned in, extended a hand and passed the peace. That truth that peace can be passed from hand to hand is the miracle that we take for grated every day.

Passing the Peace

When life
public and private
becomes complicated,
don’t take cover,
pull the curtains
on your neighbours
or cut off communication.
Simply, yet courageously
pass the peace.

Open your hand
and reach out.
Help, comfort
and let others
help you.
Make strangers
into friends.
Keep watch,
stay with,
a connection
by staying
in the moment
where Spirit
can breathe
into community.

© 2019 Laurel Archer

Photo credit – – free stock photos.

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