A Flood of Praise
Praise for this resinous wood
the stalls, skylight, and great door swinging.
Praise for the pairs of birds, beasts, reptiles
all this flying, calling, stomping, braying, slithering.
Praise for the eight of us.
Praise for the patter outside and the gentle rocking
for silence at last and fresh air through window cooling.
Praise for time.
Praise for the wind and an end of the swaying.
Praise for the raven, the dove, and the olive greening
for solid earth beneath our feet.
Praise for the pledge of seasons—this ending.
Praise for the bow in the sky and a new beginning.
© 2016 by Violet Nesdoly (All rights reserved)
Photo Credit: Pixabay
Found Poem: Violet Nesdoly