And now it’s spring.

I noticed a few days ago, the return of morning bird song and my heart did a lift.  I love birds, they are so ‘with us,’ true companions in life.  The past week has been more full than most – doing things solo as my husband is travelling.  But this morning is slower, allowing me some moments to sit, reflect, write – enjoying the absence of a specific schedule.

I’m a few days late to honour the first day of Spring…but I’ll always be behind the birds anyway and they have their own calendar.


Awakened by birdsong –
criss-crossing chorus
just happy to be alive – pulls me
from dreamscape into reality.
From my nest I listen
to the morning filled up
by a drop-in choir, the bird version
of street musicians and garage bands,
present and generous.

I am righted
by their return,
these singers singing,
just because
they were made to sing,
reminding me
to just be me,
as I join the day
already in progress.

© 2018 – Laurel Archer

There should be bird pictures here, I know.  But there is a Robin perched near the top of the tree above.  If you click on it and zoom in – you’ll see it – maybe.

One thought on “And now it’s spring.

  1. A beautiful poem. I liked it very much. Looking forward to the Spring.

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