Toward Christmas Intro

For many years now I have marked Advent by postings daily writings, reflecting with characters from the Great Story: Creation to Bethlehem.  My joy has been increased over the past two years by including writing companions and I am so pleased to have writing friends again this year: Denice Bezoplenko, Violet Nesdoly and Laurel Pritchard.  We will write together and individually the way those on a common pilgrimage might travel, sometimes together, sometimes alone, sharing grief and joys, and being cheered by each other along the way.

As I’ve been writing in preparation it has felt like laying in cords of firewood, the way to prepare for a long winter – a reassuring feeling – laid up shoulder to shoulder against the threat of a harsh season.  It reminds me that joy and sorrow often rest side by side.  For me this Advent feels like an important opportunity to give voice to both – great sorrow and great joy, conspiring together to help us ‘face unafraid, the plans that we’ve made…’ and awaken wonder in our hearts again, with prayer, praise and poetry.

The invitation is to a few moments of reflection in the course of a busy day as you head Toward Christmas.  A place where the seemingly dissonant realities can rest together, joy and sorrow, stillness and frenzy, connection and loneliness.  Come along if you’d like — you’ll be welcome.img_7475

With gladdening heart,

P.S. This writing journey begins Dec 1 and concludes Christmas Day

P.P.S. The forms of poetry this year will be: Haibun – a Japanese form used as travel journal consisting of dense prose, punctuated by Haiku to focus it; Cinquain molded into a double mirrored form written by two writers, Tanka, another Japanese form of poetry extending a Haiku with two seven syllable lines, also written in tandem; and Praise Psalms or Prose poems for Sundays like an Oasis stop on the journey.


Photo Credit: Woodpile – Pixabay; Tree ornaments – Laurel Archer

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